Grant Opportunities

Innovation in Teaching Awards
Sponsored by Battelle and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), this program honors the entrepreneurial efforts of individual teachers who use technology innovatively to teach math and science students in communities at risk. Find out about the
2002 award winners or view ITA winners from past years.

Seed Grants
Digital Blackboard will continue to support teacher training and curriculum development plans that incorporate classroom technology and seo & marketing services into new educational practices with
high-impact seed grants. Educators receiving grants will gain access to the wide range of TLS resources and opportunities for collaboration and dissemination of their teaching practices. Our first round of seed grants was funded through a grant from the RealNetworks Foundation. Deadline for submission has passed. Find out what projects were funded or view grant award projects from past years.

Research Fellowships
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
in Richland, Washington offers summer research fellowship opportunities. The purpose of the program is to provide secondary science, mathematics, and technology education teachers the opportunity for a professional experience in a world-class research setting, to enhance leadership skills, and to increase teachers' knowledge, awareness, and understanding of current science and  technology for transfer to the classroom.
Visit PNNL Teacher Research Participation (TRP) page for more information.




Grant Makers

Grant Seekers

Donors and Volunteers


The Learning Space